Nächste Konzerte
11.5.2024 – 20 Uhr und & 21 Uhr
Lange Nacht der Musik
PFL Veranstaltungssaal
Klänge des Ausbruchs
JVA Oslebshausen
14.9.2024 – 20 Uhr
Klavierduoabend mit Werken von Catranis, Mellits, Ponce de León, Bach, Schumann, Beethoven, Zakeviciute.
Stapelfelder Kulturkreis e.V.
Reinbeker Str.4, 22145 Stapelfeld
Our Album LA RUTA ist out now.
In collaboration with the Label Arcantus we present you this production that features music from living colombian composers for Piano Duo. The CD includes music from Juan Antonio Cuéllar, Antonio Correa, Diego Vega, Andrés Posada Saldarriaga, Nicolás Ospina, Carolina Noguera Palau und Damián Ponce de León.
We are proud to offer you a high quality production, recorded in one of the most wonderful studios for classical music: the Sendesaal Bremen.
We hope you enjoy the music as we do and discover new great pieces for Piano Duo Repertoire.
You can buy the music on BandCamp: LA RUTA
Or just write us an Email with your contact information and we’ll send you a CD via post. You can pay directly via PayPal hier: